Wednesday, March 5, 2014

REVIEW: Pasjel Cherry White Night Cream

I say this all the time: If it's not for you, it's not for you. Don't push it.

And that's what I did after three weeks of using Pasjel Cherry White Night Cream. It's just not working for me, and to top it off: it just made my pimples worse.

I wrote this two weeks after discontinuing the use of the product, to make sure that Pasjel really was the reason why my pimples became more inflamed than before. 

Let me relate my experience. I will be straight to the point. 

After the first three days of using Pasjel, I noticed an itchy sensation on my cheeks. I really did not gave much thought about it then, and I still went on using the cream.

Last January 29, I went to Let's Face It Salon (Megamall Branch) to get a facial. I was having lots of whiteheads around my nose area and my forehead was bombarded by pimple marks. I wanted to get rid of it before my anniversary getaway. But Let's Face It denied me the treatment and told me that my skin was dry and peeling, so it is not advisable for me to undergo a facial. The in-house dermatologist asked me if I was using anything on my skin and I said that I only use Celeteque products for cleansing and Pasjel cream. She said that I needed to wait until the peeling stops before I can get a facial. 

I started using Pasjel on January 23, so I had been applying it to my face for only seven nights. I still used it for another two weeks until I finally accepted that it will not work and that it made my skin condition worse. 

I am a bit heartbroken. 

The basic rule in skin care is to find the product that works best for you, and then you have to stick to it. Since Ponds won't work on my skin anymore, I began searching for new products that will bring back my youthful skin. 

Celeteque worked for me. Now, I am back on using it on my face, and my face is getting clearer than before. Although it is still very far from perfect. 

I stopped using Pasjel. There are still a lot of cream left on the tiny jar. I feel bad for dissing it, since I spent a lot of money for it. 

But I guess that's just how life goes. You try out something new, and if it doesn't work for you, let it go. There are a lot of other things that might fit you. All you have to do is search for them.

And when you do find them, you stick to them.

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DISCLAIMER: Since each person has a different skin type, a product's side effect on one person might not happen if another would use the same product. There are a lot of testimonials that would swear the effectivity of Pasjel products. I bought Pasjel hoping that it would solve my acne problems, but apparently, I was not as lucky as others who received what Pasjel promised to deliver: baby-smooth skin. I am really saddened by it, since the cream is quite expensive. I think there are other brands that can be more effective than Pasjel. But that is just for me.